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The University of Arizona Staff Council Bylaws
- Adopted/Approved February 2024
The bylaws are designed to provide the basic organization by which the University Staff and Classified Staff (herein referred to as “staff”) shared governance body of the University of Arizona (U of A) may function, within the scope of the authority and responsibility indicated below. It is the intent of the bylaws to promote close and harmonious working relationships among administrators, faculty, staff, and the student body of U of A toward the accomplishment of the university's mission and goals through staff shared governance.
Objectives of U of A Staff Council (UASC):
- To provide forums in which matters of concern to the staff may be discussed, and opinions or positions formulated which are representative of the overall staff body and advocate for the wellbeing of all staff.
- To provide mechanisms by which the opinions and concerns of the staff of the university are solicited and considered in the formulation of policies or procedures.
- To provide mechanisms by which the staff can function in an advisory role to the administration of the University of Arizona in matters of mutual concern or interest.
- To allow for important information to be brought directly to staff for awareness, accessibility, and discussion.
- To provide professional development and recognition for staff.
- To provide staff representation on key university committees, governance bodies, working groups, and advisory councils
- All active, benefits-eligible staff may self-nominate to become a Representative in the UASC.
- Representatives and Terms:
- Meetings and events are open to all U of A staff.
- UASC will actively seek to ensure diverse and inclusive representation, including across organizational units, professional roles and responsibilities, employment classification, and demographics.
- Candidates for Representative may be self-nominated or nominated by any staff member, on an ongoing basis via the UASC website.
- Candidates shall affirm in writing, to the Representation Committee, their willingness to hold a Representative position.
- Once candidates are nominated, their eligibility verified, and their willingness to hold a Representative position affirmed, the Representation Committee will add the new representative to the UASC roster.
- New Representatives are introduced to the general UASC during the subsequent regular monthly meeting.
- Representatives who have fulfilled the responsibilities of their position (see section III) are eligible for year-to-year renewals.
There is no set limit to the number of Representatives on UASC, but an aspirational goal is a minimum of one Representative per 50 staff from any given official department.
- Representatives are expected to attend all General Meetings and to participate in one or more subcommittees. If they cannot attend a General Meeting, Representatives may send a proxy in their place.
- Representatives can participate in Committees (or as chairs of committees), organize and participate in events, offer agenda items, and volunteer for projects offered by or with UASC.
- To realize UASC’s commitment to inclusivity and advocacy, representatives are expected to bring ideas and concerns to UASC.
- Representatives are expected to share information discussed in UASC meetings with U of A colleagues and networks (informal and formal), as appropriate.
Failure to Meet Responsibilities:
- Representatives may be removed from office for nonperformance of duties or violation of University Staff Standards of Conduct, including but not limited to failure to attend UASC General Meetings or assigned sub-committee meetings.
- The Representation Committee shall (a) conduct a biannual review to monitor attendance; (b) contact absentee representatives to discuss participation; and (c) notify the Executive Committee of attendance lapses if no remediation is forthcoming to recommend removal.
- If a Representative exhibits disruptive, rude, or unethical behavior and fails to participate in UASC in a respectful manner, the Chair of the Committee (or Leadership present) where the behavior occurred will notify the Executive Committee to review their participation in shared governance. The Executive Committee may recommend removal. Removal Procedures:
- Removal must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee members.
- If a Representative is removed, the Secretary shall send a written notice to that effect to the removed Representative.
- Resignation
- Any representative may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Representation Committee. Such resignation shall take effect at the time of the receipt of such notice or at any later time specified therein; and, unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
Executive Committee
The officers of the UASC shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past Chair (if applicable).
Officers’ Terms of Office:
Officers will be elected before the end of each fiscal year by a majority of UASC Representatives casting votes. Terms of office last one year, in accordance with the university's fiscal year.
Chair (5-10 hours per week)
The Council may re-elect the Chair for two consecutive one-year terms. If the office of Chair becomes vacant during the term of office, the Vice Chair shall assume the office, unless the position of Vice Chair is also vacant. In the latter case, the Council shall elect a new Chair and Vice Chair.
It shall be the duty of the Chair to preside at all meetings of UASC. The Chair shall:
- call meetings to order
- serve as ex officio member at all UASC committees, at the Chair's discretion
- ensure that the bylaws, and such rules and regulations which may be adopted, are enforced
- supervise the affairs of UASC
- provide a report of the general business of the previous year at the annual meeting
- serve as the primary point of UASC contact for university issues
- serve on various external committees that require representation from UASC Chair including the President’s Cabinet and the Naming Advisory Committee.
- govern the regular meeting of the Executive Committee
Approve all financial expenditures.
Vice Chair (5-7 hours per week)
The Council may re-elect the Vice Chair for two consecutive one-year terms. The Vice Chair shall work with the Chair and UASC to develop agenda items and/or plans for the General Meetings of the representatives. The Vice Chair shall be responsible for the implementation of such plans. The Vice Chair shall:
- coordinate UASC Committees in conjunction with committee chairs, communicating new representative committee assignments, as needed
- serve as ex officio member at all UASC committees, at the Vice Chair's discretion
- serve on various external committees identified by the Executive Committee.
- In the temporary absence or incapacity of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall perform all the duties of the Chair and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all restrictions upon the Chair.
In the event of the Chair’s long-term absence or incapacity or when the position of Chair is vacated through resignation, removal or retirement mid-term, the Vice Chair will fill the position of Chair for the remainder of the term.
Secretary (2-5 hours per week)
The Council may re-elect the Secretary for two consecutive one-year terms. The Secretary shall:
- keep all official records of UASC in the UASC digital storage space for ease of transition of records;
- conduct the official correspondence;
- make necessary arrangements for all notices to be given and posted;
- arrange for minutes of general meetings and the annual meeting to be taken, approved, and made available to the Representatives as appropriate.
on behalf of Executive Committee, send written notice of removal to Representatives who have been removed from UASC
Treasurer (1 hour per week)
The Council may re-elect the Treasurer for two consecutive one-year terms. The Treasurer shall:
- be responsible for keeping all financial records of UASC, take care to make appropriate reports, and communicate financial updates to UASC and any U of A financial officers.
- Coordinate with all committees as needed to fulfill the financial needs of UASC initiatives.
Present financial reports at Executive Committee meetings as needed, and to UASC at the beginning of each fiscal year. It is required that this position of Treasurer be filled by someone who has the financial knowledge and provisioning to serve as a U of A Fiscal Officer.
Past Chair
If the Chair retires from the position, then they shall become the Past Chair. This shall not take place if the Chair retires from U of A or is removed from office by UASC. The duties of the Past Chair are to support the current Chair and UASC, being available to pass on institutional knowledge and provide information about past council actions. The Past Chair may represent UASC on external committees.
Any officer may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of the UASC Representatives present at a regular or special meeting.
Council Procedures
- Meetings
- General Meetings:
- The General Meetings of UASC shall be held each month during the fiscal calendar unless otherwise determined by UASC. Monthly meetings will be held in-person or virtual and are advertised on the UASC website.
- Conduct of Business: The Chair, or Vice Chair in their absence, shall serve as the presiding officer. All meetings shall be conducted according to the most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
- General Meetings of UASC shall be open to the public, except when UASC decides to meet in an executive session, subject to appropriate state law. A.R.S. § 38-431.01(A).
- Special or Ad hoc Meetings
- Special Meetings shall be called by the Chair at their discretion, when requested in writing by one half of the Representatives on UASC, or when requested in writing by 5% of all staff.
- Notice of Special Meetings of UASC must be sent to all Representatives of the Council and must indicate the reason for calling a special meeting. At any special meeting, no business shall be transacted except as stated in the notice calling the meeting.
- General Meetings:
- Voting
- Regular Business: Regular business of the council requiring a vote will be decided by an open vote of those Representatives present at the meeting.
- Representatives will be notified a minimum of 2 business days ahead of a planned vote. Notifications should be sent by a member of the UASC executive committee via official channels for representatives (i.e., university Listservs).
- Each Representative will have one vote.
- If a Representative is unable to attend a meeting during which a vote is taking place, he or she may contact the Chair prior to the meeting to cast a vote.
- Simple majority of vote casting representatives constitutes a successful vote
- Votes may also be taken electronically through a secure platform.
- Representatives will be given a minimum of 2 business days to place their vote.
- Election of officers: Election of officers will occur on an annual basis. Any UASC Representative is eligible to declare their candidacy to serve as an officer. UASC By-Laws: December 2023
- The Representation Committee is responsible for managing the nominations, elections, and voting process, to include preparing ballots, counting votes, and announcing election results. The committee may recruit additional representatives to assist with managing these processes.
- Election of officers shall be conducted by a formal, secure closed ballot process.
- Each Representative will have one vote; only representatives who are rostered prior to the distribution of ballots are eligible to vote.
- The candidate who receives a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected.
- If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, the candidates receiving more votes than anyone else will have a runoff election.
- In the event of a tie, the result of a coin toss will determine the candidate who is declared elected.
- Regular Business: Regular business of the council requiring a vote will be decided by an open vote of those Representatives present at the meeting.
- Records
Minutes and records of all annual and special meetings and actions of the organization are recorded, distributed, and stored electronically per the duties of the Secretary, ensuring the continuity of the council.
UASC both operates internal committees, in which each committee conducts specific business and affairs of the Council, and participates on external committees, by which UASC is represented on various university committees. The Chair of the Council may designate any ad hoc committee.
- Internal Committee Procedures:
- Any representative can propose the creation of a new committee to the executive committee to meet current UASC needs.
- Committees will keep regular minutes of meetings and provide to UASC when requested.
- Council representatives provide updates to UASC during regular meetings.
- At the July Meeting, the Chair of the Council shall call for nominations or volunteers to the Chair position for each committee.
- Committees may include ad hoc committee members or volunteers, as needed.
- University Staff Council Committees:
- Executive Committee: consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Past Chair, the Chairs or Co-Chairs of Standing Committees, the UASC representatives to SPBAC and the Faculty Senate, and those Council Representatives invited by the Chair.
- Professional Development Committee: responsible for promoting and developing professional development opportunities for staff.
- Representation Committee: responsible for recruiting new representatives; ensuring relevant representation policies are well maintained; ensuring that representatives feel connected and have a network to call upon; and maintaining an active and knowledgeable UASC roster that is representative of the staff across units and campuses.
- Communications Committee: responsible for projecting a positive image of UASC within the university by keeping Representatives and all staff up to date through the website and other channels.
- Policy Committee: responsible for responding to changes, questions, or issues regarding policies at the University of Arizona that have an effect upon University and Classified Staff. Also responsible for maintaining and updating UASC Bylaws at the direction of the Executive Committee, with the approval of the Representatives.
- Recognition and Awards Committee: responsible for recognition of University and Classified Staff through programs such as the University Awards for Excellence. The committee governs the Eugene Sander Award for Shared Governance.
- Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: responsible for advocating for underrepresented and minoritized staff at the University of Arizona.
- Events Committee: responsible for planning and facilitating UASC events.
- Workplace Climate Committee: Committee for building a better workplace by identifying staff concerns, advocating for more equitable employment conditions, improving staff retention and supporting staff in resolving systemic issues.
- External committees with UASC representation, by invitation:
- UASC serves as a staff governing body at U of A and is often contacted for staff representation on various committees across campuses. External committees may request specific individuals or specific executive board position representation. If no specific individual or specific executive board position is identified, then the UASC executive committee may select a representative for the committee.
- A non-exhaustive list of U of A external committees is noted here (and a complete list of active external committees will be maintained on the UASC website).
- Employee Recognition Committee
- Faculty Senate
- Naming Advisory Committee
- President’s Council
- The UASC Chair serves as the UASC Representative on this group. No substitutes are allowed per committee organizers.
- Shared Governance Review Committee (Faculty Senate)
- SPBAC (Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee)
- Appointments to SPBAC are three-year terms, according to SPBAC guidelines.
- UA Cares
- U of A Employee Emergency Fund
- University Hearing Board
Bylaw Amendments
- Proposed revisions or amendments must first be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee. Following any revisions the Executive Committee recommends, the proposed amendments shall be circulated to UASC Representatives.
- There will be a minimum 30-day review period prior to a vote on proposed amendments.
- Representatives shall be given at least two weeks to submit their vote.
- These votes will be conducted via a secure online method that is sent to the eligible Representatives. The Executive Committee will have access to the results and be responsible for relaying the results to UASC.
- A proposal for any revisions or amendments to the bylaws must be approved by simple majority of the Council.
Definitions and Acronyms
ABOR- Arizona Board of Regents
Staff- University Staff and Classified Staff employed by the University of Arizona
UASC- University of Arizona Staff Council
Representative- Any active participant of UASC
U of A- The University of Arizona
Shared Governance – UASC represent all university staff and classified staff employees by taking an active role in advising the university administration and other university organizations on matters of concern to all staff.