Staff Council Meeting


2 – 3:30 p.m., Nov. 28, 2023

This Staff Council Meeting will be held virtually on Zoom and is open to all staff of the University of Arizona.


  1. Welcome
  2. New Business
    1. Discussion of UA Financial Status
  3. Guest Speaker
    1. AI and Process Automation Team
  4. Old Business – Committee Reports (1-2 minute check-ins)
    1. Budget – Jennifer Lawrence
    2. Communications – Danielle Oxnam
    3. Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion – Nicole Villarreal
    4. Policy – Angela Hackett
    5. Professional Development – Jill Hewins & Kimberly Moore
    6. Recognition & Awards Jennifer Lawrence
    7. Representation – Kimberly Chapman
    8. Events – Nichole Guard & Megan Noli
    9. Workplace Climate – Charles Walker & Christina Kalel
    10. External Committees – Melanie Madden
  5. Guest Speaker
    1. Jessica Semmann- TAMT Director
  6. Next Meeting scheduled for January 30
  7. Adjourn

Zoom link: