Staff Council Meeting


2 – 3:30 p.m., Jan. 30, 2024

This Staff Council Meeting will be held virtually on Zoom and is open to all staff of the University of Arizona. 

  1. Welcome 
  2. Financial Action Plan
    1. What we have advocated for:
      1. Letter to President sharing ideas for financial changes to minimally impact staff welfare
      2. Longer notice periods for position elimination
      3. Forum with President forthcoming
    2. How the Financial Action Plan affects our every day
    3. Questions/Concerns
      1. Promotion definition (staff v. faculty)
      2. Other Professional Services
      3. Topics for Forum with President
  3. Old Business – Committee Reports (1-2 minute check-ins)
    1. Budget – Jennifer Lawrence 
    2. Communications – Danielle Oxnam 
    3. Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion – Nicole Villarreal & Lupita Ramos-Barrera
    4. Policy – Angela Hackett
    5. Professional Development – Jill Hewins & Kimberly Moore
    6. Recognition & Awards Jennifer Lawrence
    7. Representation – Kimberly Chapman
    8. Events – Nichole Guard 
    9. Workplace Climate – Charles Walker
    10. External Committees – Melanie Madden
  4. New Business – Discussion Items
    1. Staff Council Bylaws- ready for adoption
  5. Next Meeting scheduled for February 27th
  6. Adjourn

Zoom link: