
Staff Council

Staff Council's goal is to enhance the quality of career life for Classified and University Staff by providing advocacy, information and resources.

Submit an Agenda Item

Submit a topic or guest speaker request for an upcoming Staff Council meeting.

Become a Representative

Nominate yourself to join Staff Council as a Representative.

Submit Announcements

Submit Announcements for the monthly Staff Council Courier to All Staff.

 Staff Council meets monthly and all staff are welcome to join.


Staff Council Representatives August 2023

In spring 2021, representatives from APAC and CSC voted to merge to form the University of Arizona Staff Council. Staff Council represents all staff employees, Classified and University Staff, by taking an active role in shared governance and advising the University administration and other university organizations on matters of concern to all staff. Please join us as we advocate for staff in all contexts. We welcome your contributions.

The University of Arizona employs thousands of staff across a variety of work disciplines. Learn more about our diverse workforce through the university's Interactive Fact Book.

Have a question for Staff Council? Email our team at staffcouncil@list.arizona.edu.